Monday, April 02, 2007

won't you shoot my neighbor(hood)?

today i finished our photo shoot for shooting portobello as indicated below. well, i am pleased with what we completed yet i feel as though i could have been more creative. the 5ive clues as supplied by rough trade records were as follows:

Clue A – An iconic building, the vision of “the man with the Midas touch”.
Clue B – The host with the most, counter culture at its best.
Clue C – This Xtra Large record label makes music behind Thom Yorke’s Eraser.
Clue D – Alice once kept his pet Coopered up in this unlucky place.

Clue E – Performance (anything related to performance, within the music theme)

now these are the two of the five we sent in...ugh. that's someone we found in the top shot for clue d: the portobello hotel. and right here for clue b is a homage to rough trade records. oh well, it was fun and that is what counts, right? i will link to the site again after they have posted the winners and i believe most if not all the pictures submitted. until then, goodnight...remind me to tell you all about my melotonin dreams. no wait, don't.

1 comment:

bksmag said...

Is that your winkie winkie.... oh no thats your finger which is much bigger!!!