Thursday, June 14, 2007

sweet child owen men

last night i finally got around to watching "children of men". i can recall wanting to see this movie over and over after hearing good, bad, great and just awful things about it.

i liked it. a lot. for me the best science fiction is not way out things that are so futuristic that i just cannot seem to believe any aspect of it...thereby my not being a star wars nerdlinger. instead i prefer that feeling and view of a story which almost appears contemporary, as though this is happening right now with some of your more way out things like a story similiar to "children of men". at times this movie had a strange cronenberg feel to it...something biological and futuristic simultaneously while still appearing like this can happen tonight or tomorrow. pushing that point one step further, the obvious and well done nod to politics (hello guantanamo!) and the insane view of what the apocolyptic future might look at was spectacular. i was kind of blown away by the appearance of every shot - the direction was just incredible. netflix saved the day although i must say that if i saw this in the cinema on the big screen...i probably would have been numb after the lights went up. instead, i did my dishes and said, clive owen is my favorite actor alive right now.

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